3D Printing Stockholm

Cost-effective alternative in component manufacturing
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3D printing service in Stockholm

We at TOP3D offer the most reliable and innovative 3D printing service in Stockholm to fulfill our customers' needs and requirements. We specialize in creating high quality prototypes, models and final products using the latest technology and materials available on the market.

TOP3D helps you with 3D Printing in Stockholm
Component printed with 3D Printing

Materials of the highest quality

We offer a wide range of the highest quality materials for our 3D printing, including SLS, SLA, MJF, Binder Jetting with more. We guarantee that every product we produce using 3D Printing is of the highest standard and meets our customers' expectations.

Custom prototypes and models

With our knowledge and experience, we can help you create custom 3D models and prototypes according to your specific needs and requirements. We can also make adjustments and improvements to existing models to meet your requirements and improve its functionality.

What can be produced with 3D printing?

These are some examples of types of products manufactured with 3D printing:

  • Consumer products (glasses, shoes, design products and furnishings)
  • Industrial products (tools, prototypes, end products, tools, spare parts)
  • Dental care products
  • Healthcare products (prostheses, implants and aids)
  • Reconstruction of prehistoric and historical objects (dinosaur bones, fossils, statues, ancient objects)
  • Props in film and theater

When manufacturing something with 3D printing, it is very important to choose the right process and the right material. Therefore, we have tried to gather information about this so that you, the reader, can easily choose the right one process and material combination for the production of your details. Commonly occurring materials in 3D printing are metal and plastic.

Fast and reliable delivery service

We also offer a fast and reliable delivery service in Stockholm and surrounding areas. We guarantee that you will receive your product on time and at the highest quality.

Why choose TOP3D for your 3D printing?

We are proud to be one of the most reliable and professional 3D printing suppliers in Stockholm. We always strive to deliver the most innovative and high quality 3D printing service that meets our customers' needs and requirements. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you create high-quality products and prototypes with our 3D printing service in Stockholm.

Contact us for 3D printing in Stockholm!

We help you or your company with 3D printing i Gothenburg, Stockholm, Malmö, Jönköping and the rest of Sweden when producing cost-effective models, prototypes and final products. You are most welcome to Contact Us if you want order a 3D print or if you have any questions!

ESD står för elektrostatisk urladdning (Electrostatic Discharge), vilket är en plötslig överföring av elektricitet mellan två elektriskt laddade objekt orsakad av direkt kontakt eller genom ett elektriskt fält. Detta fenomen kan orsaka skador på elektroniska komponenter och kretsar, eftersom de ofta är känsliga för små laddningar. För att skydda mot ESD-skador används ofta antistatiska material, jordningsmetoder och andra förebyggande åtgärder inom elektronikindustrin.

an image that represents having 100% infilrate when ordering 3d printing
an image that represents having 0% infilrate when ordering 3d printing

A CAD program, which stands for "Computer-Aided Design," is an important component when it comes to ordering 3D prints for industrial purposes. CAD programs are specialized software used to create detailed and accurate digital models of objects, components or prototypes. These digital models serve as basic blueprints or designs needed to produce physical objects using 3D printing technology.

.STL (stereolithography) is a file format used to represent 3D geometry, especially surfaces made up of triangles. It is a common format in 3D printing and is used to describe models to be printed in 3D printers.

.STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data) is a standard for exchanging 3D models and product data between different CAD (Computer-Aided Design) programs. It is a common format in industry and is used to transfer detailed 3D models of components and products.