3D Printing in World Class

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Hjälp med att välja material?

Med vår materialväljare kan du med några knapptryck filtrerar fram lämpligt material för ditt specifika behov.

3D printing materials for all your needs. We have you covered from prototypes to series production.

High quality – Large selection – Punctual deliveries

Supplier of 3D printing

We are an end-to-end enterprise supplier of high-quality end products and prototypes manufactured with 3D printing, also called additive manufacturing, in metal, plastic and composite. With manufacturing technologies of the highest class, we help companies quickly go from digital basis to physical product and more Print on Demand minimizes our customers both the need and the cost of physical warehouses. With manufacturing and product development under the same roof, we at TOP3D offer unique solutions and services to realize your products. Thanks to professional 3d printing and digital design tools, we guarantee fast and cost-effective solutions of the highest quality.

Material - Aluminum
Finishing - CNC machining
Process - DMLS
Other - Functional test
Customer - Freevalve AB
Materials - PG420 & PA12
Finishing - Support removal and standard
Process - SLA & SLS
Other - Practice surgical procedures, air diving
Customer - Surgery and intensive care clinic in southern Sweden
Underexposed SLS
Material - PA12
Finishing - Dyeing white, tumbling
Process - SLS
Other - Product test, underlit PA12
Material - XC Transparent
Finishing - Support removal
Process - SLA
Other - Architectural model
Client: Architectural firm
Barista pot
Material - Facilan™ C8
Finishing - Spray painting
Process - FDM
Other - Presentation model
Customer - Office of Possibilities AB
Topology optimized bridge
Material - PA12
Finishing - standard
Process - SLS
Snuff box
Material - Facilan™ C8
Finishing - Standard
Process - FDM
Other - Presentation model
Customer - Lärosäte, Gothenburg
Rubber prototype
Material - NinjaFlex®
Finishing - None
Process - FDM
Other - Functional prototype
Topology optimized bracket
Material - PLA
Finishing - standard
Process - FDM
Other - Functional prototype
Mesh lamp
Material - PA12
Finishing - Standard
Process - MJF
Other - Product test
Bracket PLA
Material - PLA
Finishing - Standard
Process - FDM
Other - Final product

Material & Processer

We offer additive manufacturing in a variety of materials such as aluminum, stainless steel, tool steel, titanium, ABS, Nylon, PP, PC, TPU and a range of composites. The high-quality manufacturing processes we use are DMLS, BJ, SLS, MJF, SLA, FDM and Binder Jetting.

Not sure which process suits you best? Then read ours process guide.


With a range of different options for post-processing such as CNC machining, painting, polishing, plating and installation of inserts, we have what it takes to complete your product according to your requirements. Please Contact Us for more information regarding our offer for your specific project.

Design for additive manufacturing

We work with generative design and simulation-driven product development to produce cost-effective and optimized products for additive manufacturing. We also make adjustments to existing geometry if required to enable manufacturing with the best results.

Contact us today

ESD står för elektrostatisk urladdning (Electrostatic Discharge), vilket är en plötslig överföring av elektricitet mellan två elektriskt laddade objekt orsakad av direkt kontakt eller genom ett elektriskt fält. Detta fenomen kan orsaka skador på elektroniska komponenter och kretsar, eftersom de ofta är känsliga för små laddningar. För att skydda mot ESD-skador används ofta antistatiska material, jordningsmetoder och andra förebyggande åtgärder inom elektronikindustrin.

an image that represents having 100% infilrate when ordering 3d printing
an image that represents having 0% infilrate when ordering 3d printing

A CAD program, which stands for "Computer-Aided Design," is an important component when it comes to ordering 3D prints for industrial purposes. CAD programs are specialized software used to create detailed and accurate digital models of objects, components or prototypes. These digital models serve as basic blueprints or designs needed to produce physical objects using 3D printing technology.

.STL (stereolithography) is a file format used to represent 3D geometry, especially surfaces made up of triangles. It is a common format in 3D printing and is used to describe models to be printed in 3D printers.

.STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data) is a standard for exchanging 3D models and product data between different CAD (Computer-Aided Design) programs. It is a common format in industry and is used to transfer detailed 3D models of components and products.