FDM Printing

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Prints with FDM Printing

Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is the most versatile technique and is used for functional and visual prototypes, final products, jigs and fixtures, package studies, visualization and architectural models with a lower degree of detail richness and surface finish. FDM has the largest range of materials of all 3d printing techniques and is the one used by the most users. By extruding thermoplastic through a nozzle, the object is built up layer by layer. The selectable materials range from everything between the most common construction plastics to more specific plastics such as bio-plastics and plastics based on corn and wood. Many different colors are offered but normally you are limited to only one or two colors per component. We work with many different methods within 3D printing, including SLS printing and SLA printing.

Are you unsure which process suits your purpose best? Then click here!

PLA Tough tar dina 3D-projekt till nästa nivå! Jämfört med vanlig PLA erbjuder detta material betydligt högre slagtålighet och hållfasthet, vilket gör det perfekt för funktionella delar och utskrifter som måste tåla mer. Med samma enkla utskriftsprocess som vanlig PLA kombinerar PLA Tough styrka och smidighet – ett utmärkt val för krävande projekt!


Bio-based - Styvt


PLA är det perfekta valet för enkel och hållbar 3D-printing! Tillverkat av förnybara resurser är det dessutom miljövänligt. Det är prisvärt, ger snygga utskrifter med hög precision och passar perfekt för prototyper, modeller och dekorativa projekt!


Bio-based - Styvt


Låt dina idéer glänsa med stil! Med PLA Silk får dina 3D-printade projekt en snygg, glänsande yta som verkligen sticker ut! Perfekt för allt från dekorativa detaljer och smycken till konst och modeller som kräver extra finess. De mekaniska egenskaperna är mycket lika vanlig PLA.


Bio-based - Glansigt


*click to enlarge*

Materials for FDM Printing


PETG is a versatile material with material properties that lie between PLA and ABS, which means that it is both stiff and impact-resistant. These mechanical properties together with the high resistance to chemicals and moisture make PETG a perfect material for applications inside and outside industrial doors. We offer PETG in a variety of colors and we also have an ESD-rated variant, PETG-ESD, as well as one that is carbon fiber reinforced, X-PETG. 

  • High impact resistance
  • High resistance to chemicals and moisture
  • Excellent material for outdoor environments
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa39
Flexural strengthMPa72
Flexural modulusMPa2050
Elongation at break%7,9
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C67
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa39
Flexural strengthMPa72
Flexural modulusMPa2050
Elongation at break%7,9
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C67
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.

PETG, ESD-rated

PETG ESD is an electrically semi-conductive material based on the impact-resistant and durable polymer PETG. With the same mechanical properties as PETG, PETG ESD has a wide range of applications and is very useful where there are requirements for ESD-classified materials such as electronically sensitive equipment.

Protects against electrical discharges
High strength and resistant to many chemicals
Used for fixtures, jigs, housings for electrical components, connectors, etc.

Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa39
Flexural strengthMPa72
Flexural modulusMPa2050
Elongation at break%7,9
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C67
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa39
Flexural strengthMPa72
Flexural modulusMPa2050
Elongation at break%7,9
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C67
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.

ABS, 100% recycled

ABS is one of the most common structural materials used in industry due to its impact resistance and strength. Our ABS is 100% recycled and has the same high mechanical properties as "new". PETG is used more and more instead of ABS due to higher rigidity but ABS has a little higher impact resistance and quite a lot higher temperature resistance than PETG.  

  • High impact resistance
  • High resistance to many chemicals
  • High strength
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa22
Flexural strengthMPa41
Flexural modulusMPa1834
Elongation at break%6
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C90
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa22
Flexural strengthMPa41
Flexural modulusMPa1834
Elongation at break%6
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C90
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.

Facilan™ C8

Facilan™ C8 is a versatile material specifically developed for 3D printing. It is mainly used for details that must be visually attractive and have medium strength requirements. The layers are barely visible to the eye and the surfaces have a soft feel with a matte and smooth finish.  

  • Smooth and nice surfaces
  • High level of detail
  • Used for final products, functional and visual prototypes and architectural models
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa45
Flexural strengthMPa67
Flexural modulusMPa3640
Izod impact strength (23°C)kJ/m²7
Elongation during plasticization%4
Shore D Hardness72
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C55
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa45
Flexural strengthMPa67
Flexural modulusMPa3640
Izod impact strength (23°C)kJ/m²7
Elongation during plasticization%4
Shore D Hardness72
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C55
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.


NinjaFlex® is a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) and is as similar as you can get to regular rubber in 3d printing. With an elasticity of 65%, it is used for soft parts of grippers, flexible covers for mechanical joints, and for all types of prototypes where rubber-like properties are desired. NinjaFlex® has very good adhesion between layers which makes it a strong material in all directions. The surface structure is rough and the richness of detail is low.

  • The most flexible of all our materials
  • Rubbery
  • Only works for low complexity details
  • Used for final products and functional prototypes
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa26
Izod impact strength (23°C)kJ/m²4.2
Elongation at break%660
Elongation during plasticization%65
Shore A Hardness85
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C44
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa26
Izod impact strength (23°C)kJ/m²4.2
Elongation at break%660
Elongation during plasticization%65
Shore A Hardness85
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C44
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.


TPU 95A (thermoplastic polyurethane) is a very usable material for industrial applications and a very good choice if you are looking for properties that lie somewhere between hard plastic and rubber. It has a very high wear resistance and is used for many different applications such as fixtures, hinges, snap fasteners and protective covers. TPU 95A has outstanding adhesion between the layers, which makes the products very strong even in the construction direction.

  • Semi-flexible
  • Very durable and impact resistant
  • Works only for details of relatively low complexity
  • Used for final products and functional prototypes
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa8
Flexural modulusMPa75
Izod impact strength (23°C)kJ/m²no crime
Elongation at break%200
Elongation during plasticization%55
Shore A Hardness95
Shore D Hardness46
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C74

Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.

Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa8
Flexural modulusMPa75
Izod impact strength (23°C)kJ/m²no crime
Elongation at break%200
Elongation during plasticization%55
Shore A Hardness95
Shore D Hardness46
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C74

Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.


Nylon is a durable material with high strength, low friction and resistance to organic chemicals. This combination of material properties means that it is widely used for industrial purposes such as weight cloth, jigs and fixtures as well as various types of bearings. If higher stiffness is desired, carbon fiber-reinforced nylon, Nylon-X, is recommended.

  • Durable and durable
  • Low friction
  • High resistance to alkalis and organic chemicals
  • Industrial applications, final products and functional prototypes
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa34.4
Flexural strengthMPa24
Flexural modulusMPa463.5
Izod impact strength (23°C)kJ/m²34.4
Elongation at break%210
Elongation during plasticization%20
Shore D Hardness74
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa34.4
Flexural strengthMPa24
Flexural modulusMPa463.5
Izod impact strength (23°C)kJ/m²34.4
Elongation at break%210
Elongation during plasticization%20
Shore D Hardness74
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.


PLA is the most used filament for 3d printing. It is offered in a variety of colors and combinations and is also bio-based, making it popular for toys and household applications. PLA is relatively easy to print with and is therefore suitable for the production of geometries with high resolution and with a good surface finish. PLA is most often used for design models, architectural models and prototypes to investigate one or more functions.  

  • Bio-based
  • Good surface finish
  • Offered in many colors
  • Used for design and architectural models
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa49.5
Flexural strengthMPa103
Flexural modulusMPa3150
Izod impact strength (23°C)kJ/m²5.1
Elongation at break%5.2
Elongation during plasticization%3.3
Shore D Hardness83
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa49.5
Flexural strengthMPa103
Flexural modulusMPa3150
Izod impact strength (23°C)kJ/m²5.1
Elongation at break%5.2
Elongation during plasticization%3.3
Shore D Hardness83
Heat resistance temperature (0.45 MPa)°C
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.

CFRP 20 Carbon Fiber

CFRP 20 is a carbon fiber reinforced composite and contains 20 % chopped fibers and a matrix of copolyester. This combination of materials results in a composite with very high flexural strength, which makes it ideal for functional products where high strength is required. Typical areas of use are parts for sports equipment, drones and RC models. 

  • Very high stiffness
  • 3x the bending module of ABS
  • Matt and even surface finish
  • Used as end products for, among other things, sports equipment and drones
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa95 ± 5
E-moduleMPa5900 ± 100
Flexural strengthMPa130 ± 5
Flexural modulusMPa6200
Elongation at break%9 ± 1
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.
Material dataUnitValue
Tensile strengthMPa95 ± 5
E-moduleMPa5900 ± 100
Flexural strengthMPa130 ± 5
Flexural modulusMPa6200
Elongation at break%9 ± 1
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.


Architect is a beautiful bio-based material with a matte paper-like surface and is specially developed for architectural models. The print layers are barely visible thanks to the biofibres in the material. Architect can be sanded and painted with ease and is available in three colors: black, warm white and cool white.

  • Bio-based
  • Matt surface finish
  • Smooth surface structure
  • Used for architectural and product models

ESD står för elektrostatisk urladdning (Electrostatic Discharge), vilket är en plötslig överföring av elektricitet mellan två elektriskt laddade objekt orsakad av direkt kontakt eller genom ett elektriskt fält. Detta fenomen kan orsaka skador på elektroniska komponenter och kretsar, eftersom de ofta är känsliga för små laddningar. För att skydda mot ESD-skador används ofta antistatiska material, jordningsmetoder och andra förebyggande åtgärder inom elektronikindustrin.

an image that represents having 100% infilrate when ordering 3d printing
an image that represents having 0% infilrate when ordering 3d printing

A CAD program, which stands for "Computer-Aided Design," is an important component when it comes to ordering 3D prints for industrial purposes. CAD programs are specialized software used to create detailed and accurate digital models of objects, components or prototypes. These digital models serve as basic blueprints or designs needed to produce physical objects using 3D printing technology.

.STL (stereolithography) is a file format used to represent 3D geometry, especially surfaces made up of triangles. It is a common format in 3D printing and is used to describe models to be printed in 3D printers.

.STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data) is a standard for exchanging 3D models and product data between different CAD (Computer-Aided Design) programs. It is a common format in industry and is used to transfer detailed 3D models of components and products.