Prints with MJF Printing
Mult jet fusion (MJF) is a 3d printing process developed by HP. This process is ideal for manufacturing end products, prototypes, design models and complex geometries in high and low numbers. The details are printed by applying an adhesive to a thin layer of plastic powder which is then sintered using a heating element. This results in gray or white details with isotropic material properties and a grainy surface structure that can be dyed into black, gray and various colors. The end result from MJF is very similar SLS Printing and both of these processes share the benefits of being able to cost-effectively scale up volume manufacturing. If the complexity of the details is low and volume manufacturing is not of interest, you should also investigate FDM Printing. With MJF tillverkas alltid detaljerna med 100% infill, alltså helt solida, och det är inte möjligt att justera det som i en FDM-printer. För tjocka geometrier behöver du modifiera modellen så att den får en väggtjocklek på 3 mm, är tom inuti och har ett eller flera hål för att tömma ut pulvret från tomrummet. Löst pulver avlägsnas efter bästa förmåga med hjälp av tryckluft och blästring men visst pulver kan finnas kvar speciellt i vissa trånga utrymmen.
Are you unsure which process suits your purpose best? Then click here!
Process data | Value |
Standard tolerance | ± 0.3% (minimum limit ±0.3 mm) |
Layer thickness | 0.08 mm |
Minimum wall thickness | 0.8 mm |
Minimal detail | 0.8 mm |
Largest component size | 380x380x280 mm (Nylon 12 standard) |
*the above data depends on the choice of material.
*click to enlarge*
Materials for MJF Printing
Nylon PA12 Standard
PA12 Standard is what our customers order the most. It is suitable for most purposes when it comes to functional prototypes, design models and mass production. The material is dark grey, which when dyed in black or gray gives a nice appearance with desirable surface properties in the form of scratch resistance. Compared to white SLS-manufactured PA12 which is dyed black, scratches in MJF-manufactured PA12 become dark gray instead of white.
- Fine grainy surface finish
- Dimensionally stable
- PA12 Standard is gritty gray unless dyed black or gray
- Works well for most purposes and also mass production of end products

PA12 Standard untreated

PA12 Standard incolored black and gray
Material data PA12 Standard
Material data | Unit | Value |
Tensile strength (x/y/z) | MPa | 48/48/48 |
E-module (x/y/z) | MPa | 1700/1700/1800 |
Flexural strength | MPa | 40 |
Flexural modulus | MPa | 1600 |
Charpy impact test (23°C) | kJ/m² | 52 ± 2 |
Charpy notched impact test (23°C) | kJ/m² | 4.5 ± 0.1 |
Elongation at break (x/y/z) | % | 20/20/15 (± 2) |
Shore D Hardness | – | 74 ± 2 |
Density | g/dm³ | 1010 |
Heat resistance temperature (1.82 MPa) | °C | 95 |
Nylon PA12 White (+colors)
Liksom PA12 Standard är PA12 White lämpligt för de flesta ändamål när det kommer till funktionella prototyper, designmodeller och serietillverkning. Den enda skillnaden mot PA12 Standard är att PA12 White är vit vilket gör den är möjlig att färga in i olika färger. PA12 White är off-white och kan upplevas lite grå. Spana in PA12 för SLS för ett ännu vitare intryck.
- Available in white, yellow, green, red and blue
- Fine grainy surface finish
- Dimensionally stable
- Works well for most purposes and also mass production of end products

PA12 White untreated

PA12 White dyed red, blue, green and yellow
Material data PA12 Standard
Material data | Unit | Value |
Tensile strength (x/y/z) | MPa | 48/48/48 |
E-module (x/y/z) | MPa | 1700/1700/1800 |
Flexural strength | MPa | 40 |
Flexural modulus | MPa | 1600 |
Charpy impact test (23°C) | kJ/m² | 52 ± 2 |
Charpy notched impact test (23°C) | kJ/m² | 4.5 ± 0.1 |
Elongation at break (x/y/z) | % | 20/20/15 (± 2) |
Shore D Hardness | – | 74 ± 2 |
Density | g/dm³ | 1010 |
Heat resistance temperature (1.82 MPa) | °C | 95 |
Polypropen PP
Polypropen (PP), även känt som polypropen, är en av de mest använda polymererna globalt sett, hyllad för sin enastående prestanda, förvånansvärt lätta natur och förmåga att stå emot de mest aggressiva kemiska ämnena. Dess utbredning över olika branscher tjänar som ett bevis på dess mångsidighet och de exceptionella mekaniska och kemiska egenskaper som utmärker den. Denna polymer har etablerat sig som en grundläggande pelare inom en mängd olika industriella sektorer, tack vare sin enastående motståndskraft mot mekaniska belastningar och kemisk korrosion, vilket gör den till ett favoritmaterial för många applikationer.
- Hållfast och kemiskt motståndkraftig
- Upplevs mer tålig än PA12
- Perfect for demanding applications
- Good for mass production of end products
- Risk för skevhet och lägre upplösning är PA12

PP obehandlad
Nylon PA12 Standard Economy
PA12 Standard Economy: PA12 Standard is also available as PA12 Standard Economy, which is the same material as PA12 Standard, but the printer settings are slightly different, which results in faster and cheaper prints but with slightly lower strength. PA12 Standard Economy is very well suited for prototypes, design models and even series production and, like PA12 Sandard, can be colored in black or grey.
- Cheaper but lower strength than PA12 Standard
- Fine grainy surface finish
- Can be dyed in gray or black
- Works well for most purposes and also mass production of end products

PA12 Standard Economy untreated

PA12 Standard Economy incolored black and gray
Material data PA12 Standard
Material data | Unit | Value |
Tensile strength (x/y/z) | MPa | 48/48/48 |
E-module (x/y/z) | MPa | 1700/1700/1800 |
Flexural strength | MPa | 40 |
Flexural modulus | MPa | 1600 |
Charpy impact test (23°C) | kJ/m² | 52 ± 2 |
Charpy notched impact test (23°C) | kJ/m² | 4.5 ± 0.1 |
Elongation at break (x/y/z) | % | 20/20/15 (± 2) |
Shore D Hardness | – | 74 ± 2 |
Density | g/dm³ | 1010 |
Heat resistance temperature (1.82 MPa) | °C | 95 |
TPU 90A is a thermoplastic elastomer based on polyurethane and is a thermoplastic variant of polyurethane rubber. TPU 90A is very reminiscent of the softness and form strength of car tires. This material is perfect for prototypes of rubber parts or functional components where high demands are placed on abrasion resistance, wear resistance and elasticity.
- Allows for high complexity
- Rubbery and durable
- Functional prototypes and final products
- Can be dyed black

TPU untreated

TPU colored black
Material data TPU
Material data | Unit | Value |
Tensile strength | MPa | 8 |
E-module | MPa | 80 |
Flexural modulus | MPa | 75 |
Izod impact strength (notched 23°C) | kJ/m² | no crime |
Izod impact strength (notched -10°C) | kJ/m² | 45 |
Elongation at break | % | 200 |
Fatigue 100k cycles -10°C (ASTM D1052 methode A) | No cracking | |
Shore A Hardness | – | 88 |
Density | g/dm³ | 1100 |
Melting temperature | °C | 120-150 |
Values above are approximate and actual values may vary.
Nylon PA11
PA11 is a bio-based that is generally better than PA12 with higher strength, impact resistance and ductility. PA11 is suitable for slightly more demanding applications in small-piece manufacturing, contract manufacturing and series manufacturing. The material is dark grey, which when dyed in black gives a nice look and a more durable surface. Compared to PA12, PA11 is a bit more expensive.
- Bio-based
- Stronger than PA12
- Perfect for demanding applications
- Can be dyed gray or black
- Good for mass production of end products

PA11 untreated

PA11 incolored black and gray
Material data PA12 Standard
Material data | Unit | Value |
Tensile strength (x/y/z) | MPa | 48/48/48 |
E-module (x/y/z) | MPa | 1700/1700/1800 |
Flexural strength | MPa | 40 |
Flexural modulus | MPa | 1600 |
Charpy impact test (23°C) | kJ/m² | 52 ± 2 |
Charpy notched impact test (23°C) | kJ/m² | 4.5 ± 0.1 |
Elongation at break (x/y/z) | % | 20/20/15 (± 2) |
Shore D Hardness | – | 74 ± 2 |
Density | g/dm³ | 1010 |
Heat resistance temperature (1.82 MPa) | °C | 95 |
Nylon PA12-GB (glass reinforced)
PA12-GB is glass-reinforced PA12 and is developed for applications that require higher stiffness than standard PA12 offers. PA12-GB is perfect for rigid fixtures, tools and enclosures. The material is dark gray which can be dyed into black or grey.
- Stiffer and harder than PA12 Standard
- Perfect for fixtures and tools
- Can be dyed black or grey
- Works well for most purposes and also mass production of end products

PA12-GB untreated

PA12-GB incolored black and gray
Material data PA12 Standard
Material data | Unit | Value |
Tensile strength (x/y/z) | MPa | 48/48/48 |
E-module (x/y/z) | MPa | 1700/1700/1800 |
Flexural strength | MPa | 40 |
Flexural modulus | MPa | 1600 |
Charpy impact test (23°C) | kJ/m² | 52 ± 2 |
Charpy notched impact test (23°C) | kJ/m² | 4.5 ± 0.1 |
Elongation at break (x/y/z) | % | 20/20/15 (± 2) |
Shore D Hardness | – | 74 ± 2 |
Density | g/dm³ | 1010 |
Heat resistance temperature (1.82 MPa) | °C | 95 |