- All models and data are stored on a secure server
Order 3D printing
- Get a price on your details and order directly online
- Further down the page you will find a guide on how to ordering 3d prints
- For series production, it is also possible to send your request to our email: [email protected]
Step by step guide to ordering 3d prints.
This guide will go through everything you need to know to order a 3d print from us and give you some tips along the way. Should you have questions about a specific step in the process, you can navigate via the menu on the left.

1. Produce a 3d model.
Creating a 3D model can be done in a number of different ways, but we recommend that you create your model using a traditional CAD program as for example Autodesk, CATIA, PTC Creo, or FreeCAD. The geometry you create must have a thickness and be closed, i.e. not consist of surfaces with 0 mm thickness. We want the 3D file in .STEP– or i .STL-format. Unfortunately, without a 3D file, we can neither manufacture your geometry nor return with exact pricing for manufacturing.
2.Identify requirements for the detail
The first thing you need to do is identify the requirements you have for the 3d printing you want to order. These requirements are needed to be able to determine which process and material are best suited for the component to be manufactured. What is the purpose of the detail? Are the requirements for function more important than the visual requirements or vice versa? Should the detail be used outdoors or indoors? And so on... The clearer you can be with your requirements, the easier it will be to choose the right process and material. A good thing to keep in mind is that the more requirements you have, the fewer processes and materials are available, while the need for finishing increases and the price goes up. Some things to consider are:
- Strength: If your print will be used in a demanding environment, consider the strength and properties of the material, specify the necessary strength requirements and compare with the material data we have for the materials on our website.
- Appearance: Is it important to have fine surfaces or is a rougher surface structure allowed?
- Temperature: If the part will be exposed to higher temperatures, in that case choose a plastic that can handle this, alternatively some metal.
- Moisture: If your item will be exposed to moisture or corrosion, choose a plastic that can handle moisture or a stainless alloy.
- Food grade: If the print comes into contact with food, make sure the material is approved for food handling.
- ESD class: For antistatic applications, choose a material with an ESD rating.
- Outdoor use: If the print is to be used outdoors, consider materials that are weather-resistant and UV-resistant, or ask for a layer of varnish with UV protection.
- Friction: If you need specific friction properties, please specify.
- other requirements: Consider any other unique requirements that may be relevant to your print
3. Read about the best material, process and finishing
On our website you can read about the different ones processes and material vi erbjuder och behöver ni få bättre koll på vilka processer som lämpar sig för vad så kan ni klicka här.
Once you have a clear understanding of the different printing processes and materials that we offer is the time to consider whether your parts need some kind of finishing method to achieve specific tolerance requirements or the desired color of the part. We offer various options for finishing, including coloring, polishing, CNC machining, painting and other surface treatments.
By carefully reading and considering which material(s), processes and finishing best meet your requirements, you will ensure that your 3D printing matches your expectations. If you need help from us in this work, just contact us in the chat, the contact form or via email.
4. Log in or register as a customer.
If you already have an account with us, log in at the bottom of the box. Otherwise, fill in the fields with your information to create a new account.
Upload more 3D models (.STL– or .STEP–files) by drag enter the geometries in the window or browse files on your computer. You can too retrieve yours earlier uploaded geometries. All your details you upload in our online tool are first put in a details list. Each detail then needs to be specified and then confirmed in order to end up in your queue, whereupon you can go ahead and place your order.

5.Process and material selection
This step is the most important step in ordering 3d prints. Here you choose how the 3d print should be printed and which material and finishing the detail should have. If you are not sure what something means, you can press the word to read more. It is not until you have specified your item and clicked on "confirm" that your detail is moved from the list of models and ends up in your shopping basket.
a. Process: Here at TOP3D you will find a variety of 3d printing processes. This will affect the types of materials, finishing and options you can choose. The choice of process can be a bit tricky but we are here to help you! You can learn more about how to think when choosing a process here.
b. Materials: As we all know, material selection is an important part of the process when ordering 3D prints. Here you can choose different types of plastic and metal for the different processes we offer. You will find more information about our materials here.
c. Layer thickness: If you choose a smaller thickness, you will get a finer surface, but it may increase the cost. On the other hand, a higher thickness gives a little better strength and makes the part more economical to produce. This choice is for if you want a more aesthetic finish on the part or if strength is more important.
d. Infill rate: This is possible to specify for the process FDM and is a factor that describes how dense the core of the part is printed. The shell of the details are always solid, but by adjusting the density of the inner structure, the amount of material used is adjusted and thus the print time and the price. 100% infill rate means that the core of the part is completely solid, while 0% means that the part is hollow.
You can see the difference this picture as is 100% infill rate (Completely solid) and this picture which is 0% infilrate (which is hollow)
e. Color: Certain processes and materials give you the option of choosing a color, either by the material itself being offered in different colors or by the fact that the details can subsequently be dyed or painted in different colors.
f. Finishing: The different processes have different possibilities for finishing. Among other things, we offer polishing and machining. On the pages for our various processes, this is clear, as well as in our online quotation tool.
g. Additional services/other: Here you can decide if, for example, you want us to install gang inserts or if it is something else you want.

6. Order specifications
After you have determined the process and materials, you need to specify and perform the following.
a. Number: How many of this particular detail do you want?
b. Priority: In some cases, we can offer express production, which means that the part is manufactured faster.
c. Confirmation: When you confirm the order, the detail will be added to the shopping cart (cart), and you can now continue with the next detail.
If you have more details to order, you can go through step 5 again for the next file and if you need to make adjustments to the specifications of details that you have already added to the cart, that is perfectly fine.
d. Order details: When you have now finally put all the details in the shopping basket, we will move on to the window with invoicing and delivery. Click on "Add order details".
e. Exception Review: For large orders with higher sums and large numbers, we need to review the offer, whereupon you cannot confirm your order, but instead your order is sent for review. This is just to ensure that you as a customer get the best possible out of your 3d prints at the right price.
On these occasions it will appear on your order summary "Requires review" and "Send for review" . When you have chosen to submit this request you will receive a quote sent to you via email. Here is an example of what this might look like: Example

7. Place order and determine shipping.
In this window you can check which products you want to order. Here you also have the option to remove details and change the number.
a. Data, You then fill in your details, including delivery information and invoice contact. Here at TOP3D, we are careful to treat your information securely and correctly.
b. If you have a sole proprietorship, you can enter your personal identification number in the field "VAT number."

8. Confirmation and Review.
a. Observe that if your order is less than SEK 2,000, you must increase the amount to this amount to complete your order. You can do this by confirming "Update order value to SEK 2,000."
b. When you are satisfied with the content of your order, just confirm the order if you want to place your order. Please note that this order is binding and you will not be able to withdraw it! When you have confirmed the order you will receive an email with confirmation of what has been submitted. We at TOP3D will now review your order before the products go into production. We do this to ensure everything is correct before we start producing your details. When this is done, you will receive another confirmation with the expected delivery date.
Your order is manufactured and sent by express delivery to your door.

Get a quote on your details and order directly online by registering and uploading your 3d files in our quote tool below.
Further down the page you will find a guide on how to order 3d prints. Go down to it by pressing here.
For serial production Is it also possible to send your request to our email if it suits your process better: